Friday, 21 March 2014

Exam piece

Here is the original exam piece that I will start to do variations on etc.


Here is a variation on the work I produced during the exam.. Here I have implemented some patterns that were inspired by Petra Börner 

Exam piece experimentation

Here are some experiments I included in my exam pieces, I was inspired by Petra Börner and included some patterns that she used in her work 

GCSE exam work

Here is a piece of work that I completed during my final art exam.. I will try new methods with photo copies and include new skills

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Mock exam pieces

Here are the two pieces of work that I completed during my mock exam 

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Petra Börner artist research

Here are some pieces of work done by Petra Börner, her work has inspired me, I implemented some of her patterns into my sketches and other pieces of work, I like the intricate lines and detail of her work 

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Artist research on Chris Wood

This is my artist research on Chris wood, I am inspired by his work because he uses glass in a lot of his work and creates strange structures, since my project is spill drop break, using glass in his work links to my work, therefore his work inspires me so do similar things with mirrors and glass. The light reflects off the glass and creates strange light beams with various colours, this spices up his art work more and makes it more attractive and interesting 

Interpretation on Martin Creeds work

Here is my interpretation of Martin Creeds art work

Martin Creed research page

Marting Creed research page.. Martin's work inspired me because he takes a very different and strange approach to his projects, he takes every day items, tweaks them moves them around, and occasionally makes strange structures out of items that we may use in every day life. For example, in the pictures below, Martin uses some folding chairs to stack them up and create a structure.. These chairs would be used in every day life. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Here is a drawing of an eye.. Although I linked it in with my theme by making the eye look as though it is smashed glass 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Eagle sketch

Here is a sketch I have done based on another sketch books work.. It wasn't linked with my project however I edited a photo to link it in 

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Mono print

Here is an edit on my monoprint, to begin with my monoprint wasn't linked to my theme, however I edited a picture of it to link it in, here a few edits of my monoprint 

Friday, 17 January 2014

Initial Ideas

Here are some artists that I like the look of ...


This blog is to showcase my GCSE Art Unit 2 work based on SPILL DROP BREAK.